So what?

People have called her one her whole life

from before her sexual debut

through her dating journey

right into her committed relationship.

because that’s their defining insult right, slut.

As though what comes between her legs

could possibly ruin her

You see each new partner

as proof of promiscuity—

I see each as proof of      

attention to consent, 

flawless communication,

and perfect balance

between pleasures

given and received.

You teach her

to find disgust

in her own body

I find myself in awe of

the woman who

against all odds

taught herself

to take pride in

wearing it proudly.

When years of purity culture

taught her to wait until marriage

she taught herself to have sex

on her timeline,

whenever, however she likes.

When decades of slut shaming

taught her to feel

guilty about pleasure

as if it isn’t the most natural thing

in the world.

she refused

to be anything but

freaky / greedy / nasty

for her desires.

When you saw a slut

I see a woman undefined

by your defining insult

So what, if she’s a slut?

What if she is a slut,

and proud of it?

Then what?

Tay Aly Jade

Writer. Speaker. Activist. Passionate about people and the planet, Taylor’s work explores themes of identity, wellbeing, and social and climate justice.


An ode to Native women


The handbook