Manifestations of divinity

Growing up taught me all about what sex should not be

So I want to share a message with anyone who grew up in trauma and hurting:

First, I need to remind you that you are worthy and deserving

of love, not the pain and abuse that this world has put you through

Your story is safe with me and I believe you

For the rest of my life, I will fight until we see the end of this injustice through


Second, there is nothing wrong with your body

You do not need to meet anyone’s illusionary standard of beauty

If someone deems you “too distracting”

That’s a them problem; they need to work on their attention span capacity

You have no need for others’ approval and validity

Because you and you alone define your sexuality


Third, you are entitled to your boundaries

Even if you don’t know what they are, or you don’t want to do anything

You have every single right to your own bodily autonomy, 

That right is not a gift, a privilege, or an anomaly

No, getting asked what you like should be an every-time thing


If anyone lucky enough to be in your temple

They should treat you like royalty

Because if God is a woman,

then you are the manifestation of her divinity.

Tay Aly Jade

Writer. Speaker. Activist. Passionate about people and the planet, Taylor’s work explores themes of identity, wellbeing, and social and climate justice.


When the man is what you want


I’ve never kissed a friend and had the friendship last